
Is it safe to travel to Morocco?

Is it safe to travel to Morocco
Is it safe to travel to Morocco

On the African continent, Morocco is one of the safest places to visit. It is an exotic and popular country for tourists. It also has pleasant and friendly people. However, there are a few situations and tips to keep in mind in order to dispel any concerns about safety in Morocco.

Caution on the roads

If you decide to travel to Morocco with your car or hire one to get around comfortably, you should bear in mind the following: Moroccan road safety leaves much to be desired and offenses are committed all the time. Neither pedestrians nor motorists are careful, so drive carefully. If possible, avoid being fined by obeying the speed limit and respecting traffic lights.

Avoid theft

It’s not something that happens often, but you should be careful in big cities and especially in crowded areas such as souks where some people take advantage of the crowds to rob the unsuspecting.

It’s advisable not to move around with a lot of money and not to show it, just in case. Hotels are safe and you can keep valuables and even money.

Beware of scams

It’s not unique to Morocco, but there’s no shortage of rogues trying to take advantage of tourists. Beware of those who offer to be guided. Avoid telling them where you’re going, otherwise, they’ll be politely turned away, and when you arrive at your destination they’ll definitely want to charge you for the ‘service’.

In the markets you can haggle overall prices, Moroccans don’t take it badly and it’s better to get a good deal.

Women on their own

Women traveling alone tend to attract the attention of the male population. This is especially true in public places where there are always more men than women. It is not a big deal, but it can make some women uncomfortable to be constantly watched by men.

Walking at night

In some Moroccan cities, it is not advisable to go out at night, most of them are almost completely quiet from 10 pm onwards. If you do want to go out at night, it is best to walk in popular areas and, if possible, take a taxi to and from your accommodation. Women alone should not venture out at night.

Morocco is a fairly safe destination in general, but it never hurts to be careful and avoid dangerous situations, just like anywhere else in the world.

If you have any doubts, you can ask us for more information on this subject and on excursions to the main cities of Morocco.

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